Sunday 30 December 2012

Frilly and Binx

Two of my dad's favourite things combined here: animals and poems. He had a long succession of cats from Kelly, Julian and Blackie in the 80s, through to April and Scratch in the 90s and Frilly and Binx more recently. Frilly is still catching mice and misses Spiro as much as any of us. Her brother Binx is currently whereabouts unknown - although the traffic in Roath is pretty unforgiving, there have been a few sightings now and then, and he was a tough cat . There were also the famous Video Nation budgies, Penney and Dale named after Cardiff City stars of the day.

Frilly the Cat

This poem, like most of his poems, is sweet and silly but also shares a deeper truth: in this case, the fine-balanced relationship between man and animal
But really, it shows how much he loved his cats.

Frilly & Binx

Let’s analyse the vagaries
Of keeping pets for pleasure
Is it perhaps ridiculous
To call animals a treasure

What benefits can they provide?
What riches can we measure
Is there a profit or return
In keeping pets for pleasure?

To start: pets are a paradox
They grow up, yet they don’t
You bring them up, you nurture them
But leave home?  No, they won’t!

They are comparable to babies
In the ways they need our care
For there is a God-like quality
That eternally we share

We can condemn or punish
We can comfort or reward
We can pamper living creatures
We can put them to the sword

We are tyrant and dictator
We are master to a slave
Yet the more we learn to love them,
The more loving they behave

Yes, the more we learn to love them
The more loving they behave
A self revealed philosophy
Sounding from the psyche’s cave

Binx and Frilly, bruv and sis
They’re my cats, that’s what they is
Nose to nose is how they kiss
Binx and Frilly, Frills & Binx!

Frills is black, and Binx is too
But his belly’s white as snow
When he rolls across the floor
It’s the zebra crossing show

When he perches on my lap
Pure white shirt and pure white gloves
He’s a concert pianist
Quite the best of Frilly’s bruvs

He can balance on the telly
Between Photograph and clock
He can stare just like an ornament
Art nouveau as ‘cat with sock’

White whiskers curling upwards
Like a grin by Salvo Dahli
White cotton wool inside his ears
He can look a right old Charlie

Binx and Frilly, bruv and sis
They’re my cats, that’s what they is
Nails to nails is how they hiss
Binx and Frilly, Frills & Binx!

Frills is little, gold her glare
Black and beautiful as coal
Sleek as silk she strokes my legs
Guiding me towards her bowl

She has scratched my yucca bare
And my cordaline and couch
But I tell you I don’t care
Unless it’s me she scratches… Ouch!

While still kittens, to my folly
I released my birdies both
As they flew out for a jolly
How they screeched a budgies oath

Squash and Tickle are my budgies
The conservatory they fly
You may have guessed that with my cats
They do not see eye to eye

They perch upon the yucca
And call Binx & Frilly names
And then upon the window ledge
Pour invective from the frames

Tickle is a cobalt blue
And thinks kittens are just ground-hogs
Squash radiates a turquoise hue
And toilettes over silly old mogs

But  budgies trying to dive bomb cats
Is not a good idea
Binx caught Squash on the rubber plant
Till he got pecked on his ear

To avoid a similar fate
Happening to Tickle too
I flapped a tea towel in his face
So he’d flap up to the roof

Did he fly up to the perches
I hooked hanging from the roof
Did he make the ten foot yucca
From which he eyes the world aloof?

No, he never left the branch
Yes, my zealousness the cause
I flapped him down towards the ground
Right into Frilly’s claws

I had to pick her up and shake her
I admit I feared the worst
To pull the poor bird from her grasp
Might leave bits of him inversed

The birds were none the worse for wear
But outings now are few
They’ve both recovered from the shock
And I’ve recovered too!

The birds still yell abuse at them
From the safety of their cage
But cats can wait for ever
Revenge is sweet at any age

Now Binx thinks Frilly’s silly
And Frilly thinks Binx stinks
But Frilly’s willy-nilly
Each time she thinks of Binx

Then Binx thinks Frilly is a minx
And Frilly thinks Binx silly
So one thinks what the other thinks
And that’s my Binx and Frilly

5 September 2007

Poor Tickle died November 2009, a year after poor Squash
And Millie & Toots bought in January 2010, bright yellow and beautiful.

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